The Right Plan For Your Future

Helping job seekers find the right job faster with simple tools, time-saving features, and easy automation


Explore new technologies and tools at your own pace. Ideal for beginners looking to experiment freely!


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Get short-term access to essential job-seeking resources. Perfect for focused use in a limited timeframe!

From Subscription
£2.49 /1 day


Prepare for upcoming interviews with targeted tools. Sharpen your skills and practice for your next career step!

From Subscription
£8.99 /7 days

Premium ranking

Start your job search journey with extended access to comprehensive tools. Navigate the job market confidently!

From Subscription
£14.99 /Month


Explore new technologies and tools at your own pace. Ideal for beginners looking to experiment freely!


No credit card required

  • checked-icon Unlimited access to successful CV and cover letter examples and templates.
  • checked-icon 1 free trial of Cover Letter AI.
  • checked-icon 1 free trial of Interview AI.


Get short-term access to essential job-seeking resources. Perfect for focused use in a limited timeframe!

From Pay as you go
£2.49 /5 AI-Credits

  • checked-icon Unlimited access to successful CV and cover letter examples and templates.
  • checked-icon 5 AI-Credits for Cover Letter or Interview AI.


Prepare for upcoming interviews with targeted tools. Sharpen your skills and practice for your next career step!

From Pay as you go
£8.99 /20 AI-Credits

  • checked-icon Unlimited access to successful CV and cover letter examples and templates.
  • checked-icon 20 AI-Credits for Cover Letter or Interview AI.

Premium ranking

Start your job search journey with extended access to comprehensive tools. Navigate the job market confidently!

From Pay as you go
£14.99 /50 AI-Credits

  • checked-icon Unlimited access to successful CV and cover letter examples and templates.
  • checked-icon 50 AI-Credits for Cover Letter and Interview AI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about our pricing!

  • AI-Credits are tokens that allow you to use our AI-Powered Products such as Interview AI and Cover Letter AI.

  • For each AI-Credit, you can either generate a tailored cover letter with our Cover Letter AI or practice one interview question and receive immediate feedback with Interview AI.

  • You can do everything that you can see our page can offer!

  • You can email us anytime: